Why wordpress?

I am also having another blog in blogger(blogspot) but I am much active here in wordpress. The dashboard in wordpress is much interesting, tidy and well organized as compared to blogger for me.
You may try out yourself or have a look here:
wordpress dashboard

However,as compared to blogger, wordpress is very strict especially towards the use of javascript. Users are not allowed to insert any javascript or flash files except for trusted website like youtube. Furthermore, you can’t modify the themes provided in wordpress.com except for some minor changes like themes which support editing of header’s pictures. I can’t accept this at first but found out that the themes provided are quite good and they wont mess up with your posts formatting even if you change to other themes. Besides, you are also not allowed to insert any advetisements in your blog unless you are VIP user (that really costs a lot). From my point of view, I don’t really care about advertisement unless my blog have thousands of visitors each day :P. AND another damn thing about wordpress is we are not allowed to post things related to warez like my magazines =.= Will delete that post very soon. Yeah, I don’t mind if they don’t allow this although I thought of moving to blogger at 1st. However, wordpress.org does provide an open source wordpress software for you to host it on your own server. There you can use any theme you want and insert any ads you wan. I won’t give a try to self-hosted wordpress now. Maybe there are plans coming up in the next few months on hosting my own website and I will try it with my blog. I will keep updating this posts with the recent changes in wordpress and blogger. For now, wordpress is good enough for me and I am quite satisfy with the features and support provided. I received email reply from their support team in less than an hour when I asked about the warez supplying.

Posted on March 12, 2009, in Computer & ICT. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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